粘土を扱う彼のアプローチは原始的で、 ろくろを使わず、自然界にある石、小石、木などの道具を使って手作業で作品を作りだします。

Drawing inspiration from our rich local culture, we strive to cultivate aesthetic innovation and delve into material exploration. Firmly rooted in our belief in the untapped potential of indigenous materials combined with cutting-edge design and technology, we endeavour to create truly distinctive pieces. This new collection represents the culmination of a collaborative effort with one of our favourite local artisans; Paco Romero of Primitive Ceramics. We invite you to enjoy the result of this collection, where the fusion of tradition and contemporary craftsmanship promises to captivate and inspire.

Ceramic ※お好みの色味をお選びいただけます

Cream Stratum

Ocre Stratum

Red Stratum

Black Stratum

Cream & Grey Leather